
Health and Safety


Maintaining health and social safety as well as legislation will support organisation to handle the actions and activities. It will help in keeping the suitability of measures that are taken in consideration for meeting high quality legislative measures within a health and social care setting. The wellness of employees and patients will impact the overall well-being and activities of a health care setting within UK. The report is presented in context of Acacia Care Home. It is operational in health and social care sector. The effective risk assessment for individual or organisation will help in informing care planning ad assist in deciding policies and procedures at workplace. Impact of various dilemmas related with health and safety policies on cited social care practices and the customers of firm will be evaluated (Ussher, Taylor and Faulkner, 2017). Various dilemmas and impact of non-compliance will be addressed. Also, measures of monitoring health and safety care methods as well as effectiveness of different policies and practices at workplace for promoting positive health and safety culture is been interacted. Other than this, the contribution in health and safety measures for an individual at centre of practice is been taken in consideration.

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1.1 Analysing the way information from risk assessments informs care planning for individuals and organisational decision making about policies and procedures

The information and assessment of various actions and operations that are been taken in consideration helps in effective handling of business operations in an effective way. These operations and actions will assist cited business entity and actions to handle health care operations and activities in a better manner. This supports in meeting the requirements of an organisation and thus will lead to increase in quality of their services and thus will support a better fulfilment of their customers’ needs and demands in a significant way. It facilitates in setting up of an effective decision making process and thus will lead to formation of high quality services and products by cited health and social care organisation (Valentine, Nembhard and Edmondson, 2015).

The effective risk assessment will support identification of high quality products and services for their customers. Besides this, they will help in developing a good maintaining of health and social care services which will assist an effective management of wide range of business activities that are been taken in consideration by cited organisation. It supports in improving revenue generation and building a good relation with their customers or patients at a social care setting like Acacia care home. It will also help in implementation of various acts and legal measures like Disability Act 2005, Health and Safety at work act, 1974 etc. that help in improving the care measures (Cameron and, 2014).

1.2 Analysing the impact of one aspect of health and safety policy on health and social care practice and its customers

The health and social care practices will support in playing a good and effective role in maintaining an effective management of business functions. Besides this, it will help in improving performance of a business entity in an effective and significant manner. This supports in a positive improvement in quality of actions and activities which are been taken in consideration to provide high quality health and safety services at work place (Brett and, 2014). There are various aspects or obligations that are required to be taken in consideration by Acacia care home in order to enhance the service quality of measures at workplace. Besides this, it will guide employees of cited organisation to taken in consideration for effective development and management of clients and operating staff, working at cited work place. As per functioning of cited firm, the management can opt for implementing policies based on Health and safety Act 1974 as major aspect, which will help the cited firm to draft certain policies which will help in improving the performance of business entity to a greater extent.

Other than this, the implications will be very deep of the cited act on making or deciding the policies in an effective way. It will also motivate Acacia care home to adopt safety measures and standards and follow them in order to maintain their employees and client’s safety. Also, it will lead company to follow proper work criteria in order to increase their potential and develop high quality product and services (Lundgren and McMakin, 2018). This will also support a good range of improvement in work criteria and culture of the company. It will assist in improving performance of their employees to a greater extent. The assessment of needs and demands of customers and clients or patients will comply with organisation to handle business activities to a greater extent. Other than this, it helps in assessment of demands and requirements of organisation and fulfilling them in a precise manner.

1.3 Analysing the effects of non-compliance with health and safety legislation in a health and social care workplace like Acacia Care home

The health and safety measures that are taken within a social care organisation help in impacting the performance of organisation to a great extent. The compliance between various departments, employees, clients and even additional service providers is necessary in order to have a high level of customer and employee satisfaction and trust level towards the firm. As the concern is about the safety and well-being of employees and clients in social care setting, the cited entity has to look after the proper following of legal obligations and guidelines (Baum, F., 2016). This will help in improving the overall performance of mentioned health and social care enterprise.

The non-compliance can lead to lack in ability to perform risk assessment or forecasting a mishap, which can have severe consequences like failing of system or accidents. The lack of adherence and imbibing of cited rules and regulations can lead to deterioration of relations between Acacia care home and its staff or clients.Some legal obligations, non compliance of which can impact the overall performance of a health and social care setting like Acacia care home are:

  • Health and Safety at workplace Act, 1974: This is the major law that is been taken in consideration by a health and social care entity like Acacia care home. These measures will help in effective management of high class safety measures that will support a good growth and rise in health and safety of the organisation to a greater extent. Hence, non compliance of these measures will affect the overall performance and providing of service by the business entity to a greater extent. Other than this, any adverse consequence that can impact the functionality of cited health and social entity (Aveyard, 2014). The lack of following of suitable safety measures and guidelines that are been set under the law and are required to be followed by Acacia care home will include many turmoil's and setbacks that can impact revenue, good will, brand image and trust level of company. Other than this, the absence of effective safety measures and following of high quality work standards will affect the culture of organisation or social care enterprise. Occurrence or prevailing of such conditions can cause the dissatisfaction among the work force, stake holders and clients of the organisation and thus will affect overall or complete operational structure of cited entity. Other than this, the lack of proper relation with the governing or regulatory bodies can lead to legal hindrance and restriction that can cause failure of organisational structure within the company.
  • Disability Act 2005: It shows that a person who is physically or mentally disabled must get proper and effective health facilities. The organisation like Acacia care home has to look after the effective management of the employees who will see through the effective implementation of business and well being policies that are been taken in consideration by the health care organisation. This will help in meeting of wider range of requirements and demands that are been considered by the cited firm. As a disabled employee or a client requires special set up for working within an organisation (Drummond And, 2015). Thus, in this condition, the firm has to see through effective eradication of discrimination process and thus will help a business entity to handle the business operations and activities in a very effective manner. The non compliance with this act or legal measure will cause the organisation to face severe legal obligations which will cause the decrease in performance and failure of operational system within a business organisation. The preventive measure that will be implemented by a business organisation in order to carry pout different measures and activities which will enhance the performance of cited firm to a greater extent. Other than this, if an employee or a client at the work place or cited entity, faces the disability caused by an accident in organisation or due to lack of proper regulatory measures, than the company is legally liable to pay proper compensation for the loss caused. Other than this, the firm has to look after the removal of the risk factors in order to avoid further legal operations or limitations. The absence of effective planning and managing of business activities and actions will cause the organisation to adopt proper measures and actions in order to improve their performance and revenue generation.


2.1 Explain how health and safety policies and practices are monitored and reviewed.

In order to monitor the effective management of the actions and activities that are been followed within a health and social care entity. The proper monitoring and assessment of the health and safety policies that are been taken in consideration by a business entity will help the business activity to handle the cited entity in an effective way (Duckett and Willcox, 2015). The proper monitoring will not only help the firm to increase its performance and thus facilitate an effective meeting of high range of safety measures or activities in order to have a good rise in compatibility and handling of business operations. Some basic methods of comparing or monitoring the health and safety standards are:

  • Achievement of action plans and goals: This is the major indication that helps the organisation to manage the business activities and operations within a business enterprise to a greater extent. The setting up of targeted goals, and activities will help in increasing the quality of operations and actions which will showcase the efficiency of a business entity to a greater extent. It helps in meeting of targeted aims and objectives in a better way.
  • Monitoring of environment: Acacia Care home has to look after the effective and suitable planning of the appropriate working environment that will lead to effective rise in business entity in a very significant manner. The organisational environment will determine the level of quality and effectiveness of firm (Dahlgren and Whitehead, 2018).
  • Carrying out of proper reporting: In case of risk identification and assessment, the identified threat factor is to be properly assimilated by the managers or officers and is required to be reported effectively in order to handle the business entity and actions in an effective and significant manner. The proper reporting will not only help in taking suitable measure to prevent the occurrence of an accident but also support the suitable implementation of safety measures within the business operations and activities.

2.2 Analyse the effectiveness of health and safety policies and practices in the workplace in promoting a positive health and safety culture.

The implementation of different health and safety policies that are been followed within an organisation. The effectiveness of different safety measures or policies that are been implemented at a workplace under the health and safety at workplace Act,1974 will help in improving performance and reducing the risk factors for the organisation. This will help in increasing positivity of a business entity in an effective way. Some instances showcasing the effectiveness of health and safety policies are:

  • The effective implementation of these principles will help in increasing the quality of different actions or activities that are been undertaken within the organisation in a significant manner (Mirowsky, 2017).
  • The proper following of different health and safety measures that are been taken in consideration by Acacia care home will help in developing a goodwill and proper relationship between the cited firm and its clients, stake holders and staff. Other than this, it will help in giving effective products and services to their employees.
  • Improving scope and scalability of cited business entity that will lead to increase in effectiveness and adoption of actions and principles that will help in improving the quality of services and business activities in a better way. This will also contribute in growth and development of cited business entity's culture.

2.3 Evaluate own contribution to placing the health and safety needs of individuals at the Centre of practice.

As a team leader at the cited health and social care setting, Acacia care home, I will perform my duties and actions in an effective and significant manner. This will help in increasing the quality of business operations and activities that are been followed within a business operation that will help in increasing the quality of services and goods, meeting the needs and demands of staff and patients or clients of cited firm (Alley And, 2016).

I will see through the proper assessment of safety standards and quality of business entity and measures in an effective way. Besides this, I will use my knowledge and skills to manage a team and will lead the organisation to have a good relation with their staff and enhance the organisational culture at the workplace. This will help in maintaining the wellness and good will of a business entity within an organisation and with their stake holders in a better way.

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This can be concluded from the research process that the proper implementation and handling of the health and safety measures in a social care setting will help in improving the quality of measure and services in a better way. The proper legal obligations and meeting of needs and demands of the organisation in an effective way will help the cited business entity to improve its performance. Besides this, the proper planning of risk assessment and aspects of policies will impact the organisation to a greater extent. Other than this, the effectiveness of policies and procedures of health and safety and individual role in the working with stake holders will help in improving company's satisfaction level.

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  • Alley, D.E. And, 2016. Accountable health communities—addressing social needs through Medicare and Medicaid.N Engl J Med,374(1), pp.8-11.
  • Aveyard, H., 2014.Doing a literature review in health and social care: A practical guide. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
  • Baum, F., 2016.The new public health(No. Ed. 4). Oxford University Press.
  • Brett, J. and, 2014. Mapping the impact of patient and public involvement on health and social care research: a systematic review.Health Expectations,17(5), pp.637-650.
  • Cameron, A. and, 2014. Factors that promote and hinder joint and integrated working between health and social care services: a review of research literature.Health & social care in the community,22(3), pp.225-233.
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